Manage your Buildings Tasks in
3 easy steps...

1. Take a photo
Click the camera icon and take a photo to alert that an issue needs attention.

2. Task in Progress
The "In Progress" icon will appear to when the problem is being addressed.
Facility and Maintenance software

3. Task Completed
Once the task have been completed the "Tick Mark" will appear to show that all is good.
Task Master Check Features
Tablet preloaded with the proprietary Task Master Check software package.
The checklist is electronically ticked off item by item.
If an item fails, the app prompts one to take a picture and provide an explanation.
The responsible person signs a digital signature once completed.
Users can set alert times.
Log history is time-stamped and stored in the cloud, available for inspection at any time.
The comprehensive digital logs cut down the need for paper files.
The app's easy to use features also allow for significant time savings.
Task Master Check Benefits
Risk Reduction
Provides genuine peace of mind.
Risk of fire is greatly reduced. Ensures that organisations remain compliant, avoiding threat of fines or foreclosure.
Less scope for human error.

Less time spent carrying out checks.
Completed records can be accessed instantly.
System can go live almost immediately.
The standardised process will reduce ambiguity and improve the quality of fire safety procedures.
Faster checks due to an easy-to -use mobile interface. Data gathering facilitated through an accompanying desktop site.

Guarantees a structured approach to fire safety.
Compliance can be tracked and measured with ease and accuracy.
Acts as proof that the responsible person visited and checked every item on the checklist.
Clear visibility over all checks. Automatic alerts sent to management if a check is missed or failed.